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Get to Know Us

Executive Summary

Enhancing the Spirituality of Life

Since 1999, the founding pastor Rev. Wong Onn Thau has had obeyed to God's calling to set up this preaching point at Bukit Rahman Putra, SUNGAI BULOH with some founding/covenant members of the Church.  


The centre now is a local church where worshippers/members can come together to worship the Lord and engage in healthy activities together. At Trinity Methodist Church SUNGAI BULOH (TMCSB), our vision is "Every Worshipper Ministering Church" and our mission is "Go and make disciples of all nations".

We emphasize on activities that are both unifying and empowering the church members to shine for our Lord Jesus Christ and to elevate the spiritual blessing of each person.


For many years, we have been making an impact on the lives of the worshippers/Church members in the community through our wide range of enriching programs and events.


What started off as a big idea in a small space, has grown to be the centre for spiritual enrichment.


1 Corinthians 15:58

“Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain”.


TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH, SUNGAI BULOH (TMCSB) was birthed as a Preaching Point since the TMCPJ’s high calling in the 1970s to fulfill the Great Commission of God, to make Jesus Christ known to the people of Sg. Buloh.  The Preaching Point 1st service was on the 1st August 1999 held at 32A, Jalan BRP 1/2.

On 22nd July 2001, by God’s grace we acquired 2-shoplots and had our first service.  The building was then dedicated on 5th August 2001.  Praise the Lord on 31st July 2004, the Preaching Point achieved Local Conference status according to the Methodist Discipline.  During this time, TMCSB started its English and Mathematics tuition ministry every Saturday.

TMCSB then journeyed on into 2005 seeing God’s faithfulness. where we acquired the 3rd shoplot No. 46C on 18th June 2005 for the growing Sunday School.  We watched TMCSB’s progress; the Sunday School children grew and youth activities started to cater for its needs.  The Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) was made official in 2007.

God has been faithful and blessed TMCSB with the 4th shoplot on 19th May 2010, again for the growing Sunday School and the other ministries which included the Myanmar Ministry in 2011.  Membership increased to 109 members.  In 2014, Methodist Senior Fellowship (MSF) was launched for the seniors.  Following, God has His hands on the Missions Ministry to Sabah that took off and is still very relevant today.

The blessings of God continued to flow into TMCSB.  August 30, 2018 saw TMCSB acquiring the 5th shoplot 50A which was donated by the late Sis. Susan Chew Lee Ket.  The blessed building was dedicated to the Lord on 28 July 2019.  

Today in 2024, the Lord has continually been faithful as the church is faithful to Him, blessing His people from a rented shoplot to five units of shoplots for its ministries, “to go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

We thank God for His faithfulness to TMCSB.  Comparatively since being blessed as a Local Conference 20 years ago, we have all that a church needs; church building from one rented premises to owning five shop lots.  From plastic chairs to cushioned pews, from cleaning toilets to employing cleaners. Full set of musical instruments acquired in 2006, advanced PA system, technology for streaming, lift in the church in 2019 to cater for the senior in age.  Members and worshippers have been faithful from the time they started worshipping and serving in TMCSB.  We envision God’s continuous watch over us.

“Our Labor is Not in Vain”.  1 Corinthians 15:58


To God be all Glory!

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